I've got 2 sheets, 1 with a load of numerical scores on it, the other with information about the target.

I need to be able to total up all scores (cols E to J on scores sheet) for a particular target (name in Col C of the info sheet) with various criteria....eg Col D on scores sheet must equal "S" (there's lots more criteria).

I can do this with nested SUMIFS, eg:

SUMIFS(ScoreList!E:E, ScoreList!A:A, ExList!C1, ScoreList!B:B, "UK", ScoreList!C:C, "S")+SUMIFS(ScoreList!F:F, ScoeList!A:A, ExList!C1, ScoreList!B:B, "UK, ScoreList!C:C, "S"S)+ ....etc, etc, up to col J.
but calculation takes ages...

And the Excel help file on SUMPRODUCT isn't that helpful. Could someone point me in the right direction pls?