Very nice approach - let me work on it and I'll keep you posted on progress. Thanks again, I'll post results asap...
Update 9/7/15 - Your approach helped me find a solution and thanks. What I ended up doing is removed some of the possible commission descriptors because all of the ones that had actual computations involved (as opposed to a set dollar amount for some of the tasks), had the same commission percentage for each subcontractor. I just took any task with computations, and created one term (Computation) that covers all the possible task description. This made the task easy - I only have to match 3 unique task names, and with that done, I used a combination nested IF statements using AND and VLOOKUPs. While it is still not "economical" as to a lengthy "IF" statement, it can be edited when a new person is added - still plenty of room for more IF factors and the comps came out perfectly...THANKS for the needed logic to help me solve this!
Here is the formula: Commission Formula.JPG