Hi John,
I appreciate your asking for the rules governing the payments. The Attachment to my reply has one such table already constructed (and I put an image of the key logic used in the table, below so others can see an example of what it is). For the task name across the top of the chart, below in those columns are the payment amounts for the people on the left. All are "flat dollar amounts" as seen, so no computation is needed - those values simply need to be returned to the main worksheet. The only column with a real computation is column H labeled "Appraisal", and the commission percentages in that column would be applied against the dollar amount to compute the needed result.
For simplicity sake, the only detail I do not show is another half dozen or so task descriptions (column H), but I haven't listed them (except "Appraisal"), because they all would have the same commission percentage applied, regardless of their name.
I made a few attempts at nesting "And", or "Or" in If statements, I've tried using "Sumif" with a "vlookup", but each cell would need such a huge string of nested items, it would be way too difficult to edit as new people and commissions are added. So, yes, I think your looking to a table or table would be the way to go, and hopefully this reply gives you enough to fully understand the logic involved and for you to attempt a solution. I REALLY appreciate your taking the time to help!