Hello Everybody,
I have a report which has 10 cells for comments (Text), and they are no contiguous also not all of them will have text.
I want to be able to concatenate them in the way that each comment is one separate line and skip the blank comments.
I found these two formulas that partially works:
1-This formula concatenate the cells contents but do not skip the blanks.
2- and this one skip the blanks but do no added in a new line.
=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(E.Data!S3&" "&E.Data!Y3&" "&E.Data!AK3&" "&E.Data!AV3&" "&E.Data!BB3&" "&E.Data!BJ3&" "&E.Data!BX3&" "&E.Data!CM3&" "&E.Data!DB3)," ",", ")
I've been trying to modify these formulas without sucess.and not be able to find any similar case.
Can someone help me with this one or point me to the right direction?
I really appreciate any help.