Ok, getting close, the formula is going on sheet B which is were you can see my previous explanation, you are right the formula work perfectly, the error was mine because I need to wrap the text in cell.
So now when I put the formula in the following piece of macro it give me the following result:
and this is the macro:
Set WS3 = Worksheets("Weekly Abstraction")
LastRow5 = WS3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
With WS3
For i2 = 2 To LastRow5
If Len(Trim(.Range("B" & i2).Value)) <> 0 Then
.Range("N24:N" & LastRow5).Value = "=IF(E.Data!S2="","",E.Data!S2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!Y2="","",E.Data!Y2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!AK2="","",E.Data!AK2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!AV2="","",E.Data!AV2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!BB2="","",E.Data!BB2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!BJ2="","",E.Data!BJ2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!BX2="","",E.Data!BX2&CHAR(10)) & IF(E.Data!CM2="","",E.Data!CM2&CHAR(10)) & E.Data!DB2"
.Range("N24:N" & LastRow5).Value = .Range("N24:N" & LastRow5).Value
End If
Next i2
End With
I really don't know what happen 

Could you take a look at this, maybe using a macro will be better approach?
Thanks for yor time.