Aggegate formula not giving sum of lowest 5 cells when there are more than 5 cells that are equal. How do I make G2 equal the lowest 5 cells from column D when all from that team have the same score? G2 should equal 4.5
Aggegate formula not giving sum of lowest 5 cells when there are more than 5 cells that are equal. How do I make G2 equal the lowest 5 cells from column D when all from that team have the same score? G2 should equal 4.5
Last edited by mbsmeltzer; 08-31-2015 at 03:19 PM.
Use this formula to get SUM of 5 lowest cells
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This solution continues with the same problem. Team 1 still has a score of 6.5 when the score should be 4.5. Thank you for trying!
The formula I gave you returns 4.5
I have it in like this: =SUMIFS($D$2:$D$500,$A$2:$A$500,E3,$D$2:$D$500,"<="&SUM(SMALL(D3:D15,{1,2,3,4,5})))
and I get 6.5. I can't run it without the SUMIFS because I need it to be thinking about the individual teams.
Try this in G2:G3
Row\Col A B C D E F G 1teamname divname runaplace adjusted score teamname Team Count Score 2Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1Team 1 7 4.5 3Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1Team 2 6 16 4Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1 5Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1 6Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1 7Team 1 Half Marathon 1 1 8Team 1 Full Marathon 1 0.5 9Team 2 Full Marathon 3 1.5 10Team 2 Half Marathon 3 3 11Team 2 Full Marathon 7 3.5 12Team 2 Half Marathon 4 4 13Team 2 Half Marathon 4 4 14Team 2 Half Marathon 5 5
Does this return what you expect?
Thank you Dave! This one did the trick! =SUM(AGGREGATE(15,6,$D$2:$D$500/($A$2:$A$500=E2),{1,2,3,4,5}))
Last edited by mbsmeltzer; 09-01-2015 at 11:04 AM. Reason: added formula to confirm which solution solved my problem.
You are welcome. Glad you found your solution, and thanks for the rep.![]()
This looks like a CSE answer to me. Something like:
=SUM(SMALL(IF($A$2:$A$14=E2,$D$2:$D$14,""),{1,2,3,4,5})) (confirm with CSE)
See attached.
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