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Matching two employee directories, and adding the Employee #

  1. #1
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    Matching two employee directories, and adding the Employee #

    I have 2 sheets one has the Employee name and Employee # the Other only has the Employee name but it does not always match Ex. Jones, Tim and Jones, Timothy or Jordan, Michael and Jordan, P. Michael.

    How do I add the Employee #'s to the names that aren't exact.

    Sheet 1 has

    A, B, C,
    Name, Employee #, Company,
    Sheet 2 has


  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Matching two employee directories, and adding the Employee #

    Microsoft has produced a 'Fuzzy Lookup Add-In' which apparently deals with exactly this problem - Quote "For instance, it might detect that the rows “Mr. Andrew Hill”, “Hill, Andrew R.” and “Andy Hill” all refer to the same underlying entity, returning a similarity score along with each match."
    I haven't tried it myself so don't know if it's possible to put results into formulae from it, but you can find it here if you want to give it a try: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downl....aspx?id=15011

    Good luck.


    If your problem is solved, please go to 'Thread Tools' above your first post and 'Mark Thread as Solved'.
    You don't need to give me rep if I helped, but thanks are appreciated.

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