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Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lookup

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cworkman123 Sum values contained in... 08-25-2015, 02:15 PM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 08-26-2015, 12:23 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 08-26-2015, 09:23 AM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 08-27-2015, 04:26 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 08-31-2015, 03:41 PM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 08-31-2015, 08:27 PM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-02-2015, 10:32 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-02-2015, 10:33 AM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 09-03-2015, 06:26 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-03-2015, 10:15 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-03-2015, 10:20 AM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 09-04-2015, 07:16 AM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-04-2015, 11:24 AM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 09-07-2015, 08:27 PM
cworkman123 Re: Sum values contained in... 09-09-2015, 03:05 PM
FerJo Re: Sum values contained in... 09-09-2015, 08:42 PM
  1. #1
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    Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lookup

    Hello everyone,

    I'm not sure my title is the greatest for this problem, but I am unsure how to explain it in such a short sentence.

    Basically, I would like to calculate the professional fees of certain roles, during certain phases of a project. In my sample file you will find two worksheets. The first Worksheet is Deliverables (this is the phases of the project) and the second Worksheet is Deliverable Summary (a summary of the fees associated with each phase (deliverable) of the project).

    In the Deliverables worksheet, you will see that every Deliverable has a Tab Level of 1 in the column to the left of it. This is an indicator of phases. Between each tab level of 1, is a phase of the project. To the right of the Deliverable's you will find days worked by certain roles (Role 1, Role 2, Role 3, etc.) and their respective days worked under them. Please note that there are days worked in the Sub Deliverable and not the main Deliverable (the ones with a Tab Level of 1).

    In the Deliverable Summary worksheet, you will see a table that I have summarized to the best of my ability.

    Professional Services column is a list of all Phases in the Deliverables worksheet, to the right is the summation of the deliverable's Professional Days (Professional Days column). In the same worksheet you will find a table called Role's Daily Fee, this table contains the Role's fees.

    I would like the professional fees column to calculate the total fees (Roles * Days) by Phase.

    In the attached sample file, you can see my manual calculation in the Deliverable Summary worksheet - Professional Fees Column.

    VBA or Worksheet Function?
    If a formula isn't possible I would be okay with doing this via VBA Macro, but I'm not sure where to start there either! If this isn't clear, please don't hesitate to ask so that I may clarify.

    Thank you very much,
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  2. #2
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    Post Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    Man... I can't imagine how did you get to that point... what a mess of table/formulas!

    I guess that sometimes, me too, we get lost in the way to our goal and we start to complicate things more than necessary.

    Let's see if this modification/simplification does the job for you!

    If you need more files/records of Subdeliveries, just copy the entire row of the bottom of the Deliverable group you want to expand and paste in place... there you go, just delete the role hours of the bottom row and you have a new subdelivery ready to go...

    If you need one me group of a whole Deliverables, copy the 2 entire rows of a whole Deliverable group and paste in place... change names accordingly and ready!

    Also, add the corresponding Delivery names in the Summary sheet and that's it!
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    May the REPUTATION be with me

  3. #3
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo


    Thank you for your help! I think I should have given more details about the Project. In my original Excel System those deliverables are copied in from a proposal and then formatted via macro to the tab level.

    Also, I can't have the calculations on one page because of security reasons. We are using macro to make the resources worksheet (where my roles will be) very hidden! Your file does give me what I need when it comes to the calculations but I have to have them split up for these purposes.


  4. #4
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    Post Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    Well, in that case, here you have your original book with the formulas you were asking for. Changes in orange!

    I have added 2 helper columns in the summary tab to simplify the rest of columns.

    I also added the "END" word in your helper column in Deliveries tab, to point the end of the last delivery row.

    I haven't changed anything else, but in books like this one, it's incredibly fast and easy to work with named ranges, you should try it!
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  5. #5
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo


    Thank you very much for the deliverable day per phase calculations! They are very effective. I believe I left out something though. The way I have the roles set up in the first sheet(Deliverables) compared to the second sheet (new_Deliverable Summary), they follow a perfect order. Role 1 - 5.

    In my first sheet (Deliverables), I do not get the benefit of this set up, for instance, my roles could be listed like so... Role 2 | Role 3 | Role 1 | Role 5 | Role 4

    Is there a way to set this offset calculation to dynamically lookup these roles and then match them with their respective role fee?


  6. #6
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    Things are getting interesting... :P

    See if that is what you're talking about (another helper column added in Summary Tab, in J2:J6, for the Role's Fee offset)

    I have unsorted the roles in the Delivery tab as you can see
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  7. #7
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    That's what I'm talking about and we're getting much closer... Things are getting even more interesting, because they're wanting me to have more than one of the same role! (However, we can make this unique if we need to by saying (Role 5 (2)) and giving it the same role fee.

    Another thing that I noticed I'm unable to do, is to leave out one of the roles.

    For instance:

    I need to be able to say that I have more than one role 5


    I need to be able to say that in this project I will not be able to use role 3!

    I've attached another sample file.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    Basically I can't be forced to have the same number of roles in the deliverable tab as I do in the fee list.

  9. #9
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    No problem at all, but two doubts first:

    1) What is the max. number of role fees possible? I thought it was 5, but in the last attached file I found a "Role 6" (with the same fee as Role 5).

    2) In the Deliverables tab, with the number of columns with Roles... is it constant (actually 5)? If not, what would be its max. number?

  10. #10
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    1) The max number of roles / fees can vary, basically we have a list with Roles and their associated fees. Some roles can have the same fee amount. I'd like to be able to add and remove from this list as a I please (basically using it as a list)

    Project Manager - $2000
    Sponsor - $2000
    Subject Matter Expert - $1800
    Analyst - $1200
    Analyst 1 - $1000
    Analyst 2 - $800

    2) I have set 16 columns to be used in the deliverable tab.


  11. #11
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    1) The max number of roles / fees can vary, basically we have a list with Roles and their associated fees. Some roles can have the same fee amount. I'd like to be able to add and remove from this list as a I please (basically using it as a list)

    Project Manager - $2000
    Sponsor - $2000
    Subject Matter Expert - $1800
    Analyst - $1200
    Analyst 1 - $1000
    Analyst 2 - $800

    2) I have set 16 columns to be used in the deliverable tab.


  12. #12
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    I'm missing something here... as you describe things, it would be a terrific job to keep "formulas in place", as you add/remove fees...

    If you want to keep things tied up and easy... in summary tab, you should have all the possible fees from the beginning, and it should match the role's columns in the Deliverable tab... it doesn't make any sense to repeat role columns and makes formulas way too complicated to keep track of the data.

    Is very easy to do what you are asking for, but keeping in mind that the number of fees and role columns should be the same and constant... if you don't want them to be present in some cases, you can always hide that column... and that way, formulas will never change and have reference errors (very common when adding/deleting columns/rows)...

  13. #13
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    From a user standpoint they request the ability to assign any role to the project, and have the summary pull data from the roles assigned. The users do not want to do anything (hiding), but to assign roles and then have those roles pull the correct number from the fees list.

    Is there a way to build a helper column on the summary sheet that is populated based on what roles have been selected, then those values can reference the fees list? Would that help in keeping the number of roles on the deliverables equal to the fees list?

    I hope that made sense :/


  14. #14
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    Post Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    Well, there you go...

    I have added the 16 role columns in the Deliverables tab just for testing purposes... you can remove/add as many as you need (but only up to 16 role columns would be calculated!)

    In the Summary tab you can also delete/insert the corresponding fees... but I suggest you not to mess around with this column. When deleting/inserting fees, always use rows in the middle (not the upper/bottom ones)

    In order to get the correct sum values, role names must be the same in both tabs.

    Don't be scared by the long formulas, they are fractioned by columns... as I told you before, doing things that way forces you to use very long offset formulas.
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  15. #15
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo


    It works like a charm, sir! Thank you for all your patience and hard work. Is there a way to give you reputation or make the thread Solved?


  16. #16
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    Re: Sum values contained in record and multiply those values by the column's associated lo

    You are welcome!

    You can give reputation points by clicking in the "sheriff star" at the bottom left of any post...

    To mark this topic as solved, I'm not sure... you can try to edit the name of the topic and add the "[SOLVED]" word at the beginning.

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