I need help trying to figure out a count formula. I’m tracking employee’s errors by date. The sheet where the data is at is named Annex Data. The formula will be on the sheet named Error Dashboard column “N” row 6. Here is what I need the formula to do.
I need it to count the number errors the employee had for a given date i.e. 8/18/15 by employee initials. It then needs to exclude the count if the corrected date in column M is #N/A or blank. I think it would something like this formula but I’m missing several pieces. =COUNTIFS('Annex Data'!$J:$J,"FAL01",'Annex Data'!$B:$B,$n$4).
1. Annex Data Column “B” contains the date the error was made
2. Annex Data Column “I” contains the employee initials i.e. “FAL01”
3. Annex Data Column “J” contains different codes i.e. Employee Error, Vendor Error, Accounting Error etc...
4. Annex Data Column “M” is the date the error was corrected
5. Error Dashboard N6 will contain the formula needed for above results
6. Error Dash board N4 contains a date i.e. 8/18/15