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Help with counting/lookup

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araistrick Help with counting/lookup 08-25-2015, 07:38 AM
Glenn Kennedy Re: Help with counting/lookup 08-25-2015, 07:50 AM
araistrick Re: Help with counting/lookup 08-25-2015, 07:52 AM
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    Help with counting/lookup

    Hi, I work in education and am trying to come up with a way of recording topics students struggle with to provide a printout summary. In the attached spreadsheet would have student names and then lots of columns that have conditional formatting for Red, Amber and Green. The column headers are topics eg. B1a, B1b, B1c. What's the best way to generate a list of red topics quickly. Eg for the example I would like it to compile a list of B1a, B1d, B1g or even just a,d,g so then I could use mail merge to pick this out.

    I may need to redo my spreadsheet to cope with formatting which is OK. Any help gratefully received.

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