I have a list of different configurations of sensors (different types of temperature, pressure, flow, etc). What I'm trying to do is if I type in a search cell, say A1, I would like to display the different types of configurations for that sensor. Not sure what this application should be, so I apologize if the title is sort of confusing. My guess is INDIRECT() may have some use to this application.
An example would be in A1, I would type "OAT" (for Outside Air Temperature), and the adjacent column to A1 would display all the temperature sensor configurations uniquely (no repeat temp configurations) to the search. An example of the temperature configurations would be "TempdegreesF - -32 to 240", "TempdegreesF - 20 to 80", "TempdegreesC - 0 to 100", etc. The raw data of all of the sensor configurations could be elsewhere. Not sure how INDIRECT() could associate "OAT" with "Temperature" with minimal helper/reference/tag cells.
I feel the only way to do this is create tags for each adjacent sensor configurations for each keyword I want to type in. Not sure how I would do that because it's backwards to what I know. If I do this, is there a way to create a dynamic tag for each search? Basically this database of sensor configurations will grow. The keywords to search for them will have very little growth. I may search "temp", "OAT", "ROOM TEMP", "Temperature", etc. but those are all somewhat all in the general category.