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vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

  1. #1
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    vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Trying to come up with a few formulas that will calculate depreciation based on a purchase date so it'll populate in the appropriate columns (I have the first year by quarter and the subsequent years annually). And then also to pull the asset category from the first schedule onto another page, to total the asset purchases and the depreciation, again by period. Hope this makes sense, and that my attached spreadsheet is clear! Having trouble explaining what I'm trying to do so I apologize in advance for any discrepancy!!

    Thanks for your help Excel Gurus!!
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  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    What would some sample answers look like? can you add them to your file please?
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  3. #3
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Sorry about that, please see revised spreadsheet attached.
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  4. #4
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Edit: The first formula works for quarters indicated. After a year the elapsed months max out at 12 and $1300. My attempts to include elapsed years in the formula fails. If you need those too please let us know.

    In H4 this formula filled down and across to M6.


    I get different figures for the elapsed months than given in the workbook. Double check but I believe there are 5 elapsed months from 8/1/2015 to 12/31/2015. The workbook shows 3.

    In B20:G21 I used this formula.


    In B26:G27 this formula.


    In case you are wondering I used the TRIM function in the last two formulas. This removes leading spaces in the row headers enabling a match to headers in B4:B6.

    I copied and pasted the original sample numbers off to the right for comparison.

    The file is attached.

    Does this help?
    Last edited by FlameRetired; 08-19-2015 at 06:45 PM. Reason: formula checks

  5. #5
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    I replaced that first formula above with this in H4:M6. It takes care of the months and years ... simpler too.


    Re-worked book is attached. My apologies.

  6. #6
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Hi Flame,
    I'm a bit confused on the 30.4375 portion of this formula ..... =IF(H$3>$D4,ROUND((H$3-$D4)/30.4375,0)*$G4,"")

    Can you explain that to me? In your spreadsheet the numbers come out correctly, but when I copy the formula over into my working spreadsheet, it ends up calculating cumulatively - so that each quarter adds to the subsequent one. For example, I'm trying to get the formula to calculate just the depreciation relevant to the time period in the header. So if the header if 3/31/16, that would be a quarter end and so would only capture depreciation for Jan, Feb, and March of 2016. And then the next period would be Apr, May, June (ending 6/30/16) and would only capture depreciation for those three months. Does that make sense? The spreadsheet you attached has all the right headers and examples, but I'm not sure how to adjust the formula so it will capture just those periods in and of themselves. I think the other formulas worked out correctly because they were cumulative. Thank you again so much for your expert help!!!

  7. #7
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Sorry, Actually I misspoke. In what I just posted a few minutes a go, I said the numbers come out correctly in your spreadsheet and when I copy them over they end up cumulative for depreciation. Your spreadsheet is cumulative as well, so at least I'm not messing up the formula. But I'm trying to get the depreciation piece to just be per period, not cumulative. Sorry for mis-typing on that one!!

  8. #8
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Okay. I see what you are saying now. I'll work on this.

    BTW the 30.4375 part (365.25/12) is because months do not translate well in terms of days. So 30.4375 returns an "average" month ..... something close enough for ROUND to reconcile to number of months. Sorry I didn't clarify that part.

    Depreciation by period might require a different method.

  9. #9
    Valued Forum Contributor quekbc's Avatar
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Here's my attempt.
    Add a column in between G and H (so new H)

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    *DATEDIF does not like 31-May 30-Jun as 1 month... annoyingly.

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    and, B26
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  10. #10
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation


    put this simple code and in H4 and see the result. {never forget to drug in other cells where u want your depriciation.}

  11. #11
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Get your complete solution with all formula and calculations.
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  12. #12
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    Re: vlookup to capture asset purchase totals and depreciation

    Quote Originally Posted by equplay View Post
    Sorry, Actually I misspoke. In what I just posted a few minutes a go, I said the numbers come out correctly in your spreadsheet and when I copy them over they end up cumulative for depreciation. Your spreadsheet is cumulative as well, so at least I'm not messing up the formula. But I'm trying to get the depreciation piece to just be per period, not cumulative. Sorry for mis-typing on that one!!
    I believe this addresses all of the above.

    The formulas for cumulative purchases B20:G21 and cumulative depreciation B26:G27 are the same formulas as my first upload.
    I had to use 2 formulas for the depreciation by periods. In H4:K6 this
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    and in the yearly periods L4:M6 this
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    The workbook is attached.

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