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Testing Multiple Criteria to sum specific values in a range

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anasteso1454 Testing Multiple Criteria to... 08-07-2015, 10:36 AM
Special-K Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 10:41 AM
nigelbloomy Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 10:45 AM
anasteso1454 Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 11:59 AM
nigelbloomy Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 12:56 PM
anasteso1454 Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 03:45 PM
nigelbloomy Re: Testing Multiple Criteria... 08-07-2015, 03:51 PM
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    Question Testing Multiple Criteria to sum specific values in a range

    I am trying to put together a budget spreadsheet to track expenses and income. Both credits and debits are entered into the same range of cells ongoing, for each budget line item. NOTE: the type of transaction is NOT a column heading or a text string that is typed in; it is selected from a dop-down list of several choices (screenshot)


    The only formula I have trouble with is how to filter out most types of credits but retain specific credits that offset spending (such as a refund, which is not truly "income") so as to avoid inaccurate totals. For example: a deposit of $200 (not counted), a debit of $75, a refund of $50, and another debit of $100. In this example total spending should be $125 (because of the refund). If "Refund" is filtered out along with "Dep Csh" when calculating "Total Debits" it would incorrectly show "Total Debits" as $175 when it should be $125. So far I have come up with a nested IF function using OR and AND, but I keep getting a #VALUE! error. (screenshot)


    Please help! I need to balance my budget tonight. I suppose a "Plan B" could be to create additional columns that deal separately with "Total Refunds" etc and then account for those totals in the "Total Debits" formula but I really want to avoid excessive space and formulas.
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