I'm sure if you are a regular at the excel forums you are a bit peeved by the title of this post, I am truly sorry that i could not locate the answer myself because I'm sure it's been answered. ANYWAYS....
I am trying to get monthly totals at the end of a excel sheet. I am "self taught" using excel (and I'm not too good) and so far just from playing around with it my best solution is this:
I am using closing dates of properties that I sell (I'm a Realtor)
The closing date column is D
I need to add the sold price for each month and commission amount for each month, which are columns E and F respectively.
I made a column (H) with the formula [ =MONTH(d1), =Month(d2), =Month(d3), etc. ]
I made a formula for the bottom of the sheet for the sold price totals for January that is [ =SUMIF(H2:H40,1,E2:E40) ]
then for February that is [ =SUMIF(H2:H40,2,E2:E40) ]
Then I do basically the same thing to add up the commission values in column F
It works.... However, there has to be a simpler way, right!? Also, I can't stand the H column just sitting there with a single digit in it. Is there a way to nest if statements to just pull the month number right out of the date column D???
Thanks so much in advance to listening to my rambling.... picture included to clarify anything that i jumbled up....