Hi all,
I have made a list of 29 players for my Fantasy League and there are six lists (one for each position) and when the user picks a position, only certain players will appear in the list. However, when a position is used more than once, I want the player to be available only once, so he cannot be repeated in the team. For example, in midfield, I have 5 players (player A to player E) and there are two midfield positions. When I select the first one, the list appears with players A-E and I select player B. Then, for the second one, the list appears with players A,C,D,E. Is this possible to happen? I have attached the document below. I have tried using: http://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal03.html but it is making no sense to me. I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what to do or complete a sample.

Thank you!

A League of their Own (1).xlsx