This is SO close, appreciate the help, but when I plugged this into my version using the upper limit of each amplifier, it selects the amp above it. This is why i need the in between function I think anyway.
using the example above
Sp2------1-4---------5-7--------8-10-------11-14 <<<---Number of speakers that will fit each amp by column
say I select speaker 2 and i have 6 of them. I should get and answer of amp2
However, with the formula you've provided, even though I set it up the same exact way, it will tell me that with 6 speaker 2's I should use amp 1.
I think that this is because it is set to the upper limit of the amp instead of looking at lower and upper limits. which is why I initially though that I needed an in between function of sorts. I should have mentioned that the upper limit of the amplifier is the MOST amount of speakers allowed on that amp. Meaning that I cant have more than 7 Speaker 2's on amp2.