Trying to figure out a formula in order to accommodate the following:
I have a table in which there are a bunch of amplifiers and a bunch of different types of speakers. each amplifiers has enough power to support a certain number of speakers depending on the brand and power size. I need a function that will be able to let me select a type and quantity of speaker, and output the amplifier needing to be used.
For example.
Sp2------1-4---------5-7--------8-10-------11-14 <<<---Number of speakers that will fit each amp by column
In this model I want to select the speaker type, and the quantity of the speaker, and have a cell tell me which amplifier to use.
My major problem is that I cant figure out a way to combine all of the Fx's to provide a Row/Column/ and In between statement that will achieve what I need.
Please Help, Thank you!