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Determining answer rate for calls in call center

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  1. #1
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    Determining answer rate for calls in call center


    I'm pretty new to using Excel so this might be an easy fix but I'm looking at 2 columns of info to determine answer rate of a call center by dealership. For example, campaign1, campaign2 and campaign3 show 'call answered', 'call missed' or 'sale made' and i need to count how many from campaign2 were 'call answered' and 'sale made'. So I need a formula to filter through the Disposition column to find and count specific dispositions by specific campaign. I have an example that I will attach with the dispositions that need to be removed. If anyone can provide a formula I can adapt to other areas as well, that would be amazing!

    Thank you,

    Paul Z.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    i have used a pivot table to pull the information
    You have a % but what is that based on - what would be the total number to take a % of
    would ALL dispositions be used

    you can then add a filter to the disposition to remove the calls you do not want to see

    You may need to add a formula to the table to work out the %
    A formula to add a 1 for calls missed in the table using an IF( disposition = ??? , 1, 0)
    and add that to the table - BUT again how would you work a % based on what ?

    a Pivot table looks quite complicated - but it is very easy to setup and also much easier to update when you add new data

    how is your data added to the sheet ?
    or are you looking at the data for a specific period ?

    you could add a date and then start to look at trends as well
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  3. #3
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    The % is: (all calls - removed dispositions)/all calls
    For example, 70 specific calls/200 all calls=35% answer rate

  4. #4
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    I'd like to know how you got the +/- buttons on the pivot table. Could you explain or direct me to a tutorial or post related to this by chance?

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    Hi there. Try this out. I have assembled a list of customers from the first sheet and used a combination of countifs and SUM to get the result that you want.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    Thank you both for your help, these solutions will help in other aspects as well so I greatly appreciate it and gave rep to you both!

  7. #7
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    The +/- is just part of the pivot table layout

    if you create a pivot table you should see the +/- for the fields

    I usually goto
    on the pivot table menu section
    Report layout>
    Show in Tabular form>

    I just prefer that layout

  8. #8
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Determining answer rate for calls in call center

    This does the job, I think:


    See also: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...18#post4150318

    Edit: If you make any changes to data in the tables (eg. disposition parameters), then you should save the workbook before executing, else the query will not see the changed data.
    Last edited by cyiangou; 08-02-2015 at 08:44 AM.

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