Guys I generally don't do much work with excel but I have been assigned a fairly tricky task (well in my opinion). I have a very large spreadsheet that I need to filter out specific data and copy to a second sheet. The second sheet should be populated based on a condition of the first sheet. I will provide a sample of my data and what I need to try and do:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M Cust Name CORP ID APP ID Origin Network PTT Country Trunk Digits Route Dial ON-TERM OFF-TERM AC 01 1abcd2 UK 5555 152453 US 001/1212 3213 89112 PLAN 1 NO YES DC 02 1EFGH2 USA 5225 133453 UK 002/1213 4214 PLAN 1 YES NO TC 04 1abc22 UK 5335 1556453 US 001/1212 FULL 89112 PLAN 2 NO NO BC 1abcd2 UK 5555 152453 END 32223 55112 PLAN 1 NO YES NC 08 152453 212/9872 55112 PLAN 3 NO NO
So from the above table I need to copy the rows of the table that contain a number in both columns H & I. If there is not a number in both these columns it is skipped. In fact if possible I want to add another column that concatenates the values of H & I when there is a number in both of them. My second sheet should like this;
B C D E F G H I J K CORP ID APP ID Origin Network PTT Country Trunk Digits Route Dial 01 1abcd2 UK 5555 152453 US 001/1212 3213 89112 PLAN 1 02 1EFGH2 USA 5225 133453 UK 002/1213 4214 PLAN 1
In the second table some columns are not needed so they are removed (A,L & M). This is a large sheet so I only provided a sample but it should show what I am trying to achieve. If any of this makes sense to you guys can you help out and point me in the right direction.