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Powerpivot DAX forrmula 12month average incorrect

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Powerpivot DAX forrmula 12month average incorrect

    I have this powerpivot table :
    Fiscal Revenue_Value
    Jan-12 761238
    Feb-12 538234
    Mar-12 503990
    Apr-12 578607
    May-12 794209
    Jun-12 857749
    Jul-12 683114
    Aug-12 765772
    Sep-12 638268
    Oct-12 664654
    Nov-12 677114
    Dec-12 481902
    Jan-13 717801
    Feb-13 554196
    Mar-13 467578
    Apr-13 861125
    May-13 547982
    Jun-13 843557
    Jul-13 804521
    Aug-13 633815
    Sep-13 903311
    Oct-13 866296

    I am trying to use a correct DAX formula of the 12 month average, but the formula is incorrect. This is what I need help with.
    Also, my data starts at Jan 2012. So in the Mar 2012 line I would like to average Jan,Feb,Mar 2012 even though I don't have 12 months worth of data.
    This DAX formula calculates correctly until I get the 13th month. I underlined what is correct and italicized what is incorrect.

    DAX formula :
    =calculate(CALCULATE (
    LASTDATE (SALES[Fiscal])
    )/(CALCULATE (
    LASTDATE (SALES[Fiscal])

    Here is what I have now :
    Fiscal Revenue_Value 12 mos av
    Jan-12 761238 761238
    Feb-12 538234 649736
    Mar-12 503990 601154
    Apr-12 578607 595517
    May-12 794209 635256
    Jun-12 857749 672338
    Jul-12 683114 673877
    Aug-12 765772 685364
    Sep-12 638268 680131
    Oct-12 664654 678584
    Nov-12 677114 678450
    Dec-12 481902 662071
    Jan-13 717801 721888
    Feb-13 554196 768071
    Mar-13 467578 807036
    Apr-13 861125 878796
    May-13 547982 924461
    Jun-13 843557 994758
    Jul-13 804521 1061801
    Aug-13 633815 1114619
    Sep-13 903311 1189895
    Oct-13 866296 1262086

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 365 version 2501

    Re: Powerpivot DAX forrmula 12month average incorrect

    If you are still looking for an answer, this article on Moving Averages may help.

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