Hi, I am trying to do what I believe should be relatively simple. I have a calendar, under each date I have several exercises. I also have a list of exercises as a reference. I am trying to find the max (latest) date for when each exercise occurred and display it next to the reference list of exercises. Photo and workbook attached. I have been using curly brackets for multiple arrays This is what I have so far
{=MAX(IF(COUNTIF(C4:F24,A3)>0,CHOOSE({1;2;3;4;5;6},D2,F2,D10,F10,D18,F18),"Not programed"))}.
Excel will return the max date for the entire calendar if it contains the specified input. I am trying to get it to return the max date if it has the input under that date. When I LOOKUP has not allowed me to select multiple criteria, As you can see, excel keeps returning 8/7/2015 but the input Back Extension isn't under that date. It should return 8/6/2015 for back extension and 8/7/2015 for back squat. I am at a loss.
Excel Issues.JPG