See attached.
The code is pretty straightforward I would think, you would need to edit it to work on columns other than A and B. Randbetween gets you there after a couple of iterations.

edit: I tried to mark up the parts you would need to edit for another column in red type.
Option Explicit
Sub makeUniqueKeyColumn()
Dim keyCol As Range, countCol As Range, currCell As Range, needNewKeys As Range
Dim maxCount As Long, i As Long
Set keyCol = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A6500")
Set countCol = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B1:B6500")
'make keys and counts'
keyCol.Formula = "=CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122)) & RANDBETWEEN(0,9) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122)) & RANDBETWEEN(0,9) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122))"
countCol.FormulaR1C1 = "=countIF(R1C1:R6500C1 , RC1)"
'lock values'
keyCol.Value = keyCol.Value
countCol.Value = countCol.Value
'check uniqueness'
If WorksheetFunction.Sum(countCol) > WorksheetFunction.CountA(keyCol) Then
maxCount = WorksheetFunction.Max(countCol)
For i = maxCount To 2 Step -1
countCol.Replace what:=i, replacement:="REDO"
Next i
Call collection_Matches(countCol, needNewKeys, "REDO", False)
For Each currCell In needNewKeys
keyCol.Cells(currCell.Row, 1).Formula = "=CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122)) & RANDBETWEEN(0,9) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122)) & RANDBETWEEN(0,9) & CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122))"
currCell = "=countIF(R1C1:R6500C1 , RC1)"
keyCol.Cells(currCell.Row, 1).Value = keyCol.Cells(currCell.Row, 1).Value
currCell.Value = currCell.Value
If currCell > 1 Then GoTo 1
Next currCell
Loop While WorksheetFunction.Sum(countCol) > WorksheetFunction.CountA(keyCol)
End If
End Sub
'Below is just a standard routine used to create a range collection of all matches'
Sub collection_Matches(ByRef fullRange As Range, ByRef matchRange As Range, findValue As String, ByRef findResults As Boolean)
Dim currC As Range, firstC As Range
Dim collectionC As Range
findResults = False
Set currC = fullRange.Find(what:=findValue, LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not currC Is Nothing Then
findResults = True
End If
If findResults Then
Set firstC = currC
If collectionC Is Nothing Then
Set collectionC = currC
Set collectionC = Union(currC, collectionC)
End If
Set currC = fullRange.FindNext(currC)
Loop While Not currC.Address = firstC.Address
Set matchRange = collectionC
End If
End Sub