Hey all,
So I am currently making a spreadsheet to see which costs apply to what person.
Basically what I want is to have 3 columns, lets call them A, B & C. In A I have a list of names, in B I have a list of numbers while C is either empty or marked with an 'x'. Then I want to determine the name in A and assign the value of B in a new column, D, but only when C is empty. Currently I am using to determine this for a single cell:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("name",A2)),IF(ISBLANK(C2),B2,"0"), "0")
However, I want to be able to SUM all the numbers that are returned from B. Whenever I refer to columns I only get the first value in the column with respect to that name. For example, name Z is present in A2,A5 & A6. I then want to have in D1 the sum of B2,B5 & B6. Is there an easy way to get the sum of all the values of B for which A is valid?