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Using SEARCH for Columns

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  1. #1
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    Using SEARCH for Columns

    Hey all,

    So I am currently making a spreadsheet to see which costs apply to what person.

    Basically what I want is to have 3 columns, lets call them A, B & C. In A I have a list of names, in B I have a list of numbers while C is either empty or marked with an 'x'. Then I want to determine the name in A and assign the value of B in a new column, D, but only when C is empty. Currently I am using to determine this for a single cell:

    =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("name",A2)),IF(ISBLANK(C2),B2,"0"), "0")

    However, I want to be able to SUM all the numbers that are returned from B. Whenever I refer to columns I only get the first value in the column with respect to that name. For example, name Z is present in A2,A5 & A6. I then want to have in D1 the sum of B2,B5 & B6. Is there an easy way to get the sum of all the values of B for which A is valid?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Using SEARCH for Columns

    First thing...

    In formulas, don't quote numbers. That turns them into TEXT values.


    After that, sounds like you want to do a SUMIF formula.

    Microsoft MVP Excel
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  3. #3
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    Re: Using SEARCH for Columns

    Shippior, Good evening.

    Try to use:

    Please, tell us if it worked for you.

    I hope it helps.
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    Best regards.
    Marc?lio Lob?o

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Using SEARCH for Columns

    I'm thinking...
    in D1, copied down.

    However, you will get the same "sum" result for every row that has the same name in column A...

    If you want to put the name in each formula as you go down column D, replace A1 in formula with "name". The other option is to change the reference to E1, and put the name in column E, of course.
    Last edited by jhren; 07-12-2015 at 07:10 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Using SEARCH for Columns

    Thanks for the help all. In the end I decided to go with the solution Mazzaropi gave as I thought it was the most clear. This method works, I have not tested the other ones.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Using SEARCH for Columns

    Quote Originally Posted by Shippior View Post
    In the end I decided to go with the solution Mazzaropi gave as I thought it was the most clear.
    If you're using Excel 2010 as your profile indicates then you can use the more efficient SUMIFS function:


    You may have to replace the commas with semi-colons depending on your regional settings.

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