Good Afternoon fellow members,
Yes, I'm new to this forum but I could greatly use some assistance. I'm using Excel to create a a worksheet that will read, if G14 reads Silver (G14 is a dropdown box that a user can select three options - Gold, Silver, Brass), then B21 will be read and then match with a price in another sheet.
I've used this formula, =IF(B21="","",(VLOOKUP(B21,'2015PriceList'!B$1:F$1027,3,FALSE)) with worksheets where I just have 1 column of prices. But now I would like for it to read G14 first for (Gold, Silver, or Brass), then read B21 for the model number and then match up the correct price.
In the formula above I know the 3 refers to which column reads to produce the price, therefore in my multiple price sheet 3 refers to Gold, 4 refers to Silver, and 5 refers to Brass pricing.
I've started with this =IF(G14=SILVER,IF(B19="","",(VLOOKUP(B19,'2015NEMOArmsPriceList'!A$1:F$1027,5,FALSE))) but I get the #NAME? error.
Can I lump all this into one forumla? I thought I could nest this many things into an IF formula, but I don't know how to correct write it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, trying to make my self employed business more efficient. I can create 3 separate worksheets, but I'm almost positive I can do this in one.
Thank you for your time!