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Use and auto-sort names from a master list, with multiple columns under every name

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mojohnsen89 Use and auto-sort names from... 06-30-2015, 03:37 PM
oeldere Re: Use and auto-sort names... 06-30-2015, 03:51 PM
oeldere Re: Use and auto-sort names... 06-30-2015, 04:45 PM
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    Use and auto-sort names from a master list, with multiple columns under every name


    This might be a very basic question (and might even belong in the macros section), but I'm gonna try anyways. I'm basically just beginning to learn excel "programming", but unfortunately I don't really have the time to learn everything I need for this particular workbook before I'm supposed to put it to use.

    Essentially, what I want is a way to pull names from a master list of names (for simplicity), and auto-alphabetize them into different columns. Every name needs three columns "under" the name where I can manually insert numeric values, and if I add another name to the master list (that affects the order), the values need to be "locked" to the person it's related to. The sum of row1 for every person needs to be added together, separate from the sums of rows 2 and rows 3, and adding another nume, thus 3 new columns, automatically changes the sum formula to include the new person.

    I have a very basic sheet showing the setup without these additions (just manual formulas).

    Any ideas? Like I said, I'll likely be able to do it myself in not too long, but I would like to put it to use fairly soon, and I have plenty of other excel projects in mind to learn the rest.

    The sheet might be in norwegian (with norwegian formatting in excel 2007, as that's what the workplace uses), but if it doesn't work I'll upload a different example in english from my personal computer.
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