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Calculating Growth rate

  1. #1
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    Calculating Growth rate


    I have a basic question on growth rate and your response is highly appreciated
    I would like to calculate the overall growth rate of the following the attached excel-sheet. In other words, at the end I would like to know which country has a higher growth rate within the period of 1997 to 2014 on the attached values. Thanks in advance.

    excel forum.xlsx


  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    Im sure there is a better way to do this, but this is how I approached this.

    Add a total for each country (you can be put it at the top), then used =max() to find teh highest value. You could build that into an index/match to find the name
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  3. #3
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    I appreciate your answer. So if I sum up all the values for each country, I'm afraid I won't be able to see which country have had the largest growth year during the past years. These numbers stand for publication in a specific topic per country. I am interested to see since 1997 which country were most successful in publishing papers in that specific field of study. I hope this clears my thoughts...

  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    So what would a sample answedr look like, and how would you calc it?

  5. #5
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    I have tried finding the answer on the wen earlier, where I got to this link (http://www.igetit.net/newsletters/y0...ategrowth.aspx) wher it calculates the "=GROWTH" and "=LOGEST". I tried it on my own data. but as I have the value "0" in some the filed these formulas didnt work. So I thought adding the value of "1" with the publication in each year (of each country) would be harmless! Then I could produce such graphs:



    where Australia shows a decrease in growth of publication during the mentioned years and Germany shows an increase. However I'm not sure if the whole scenario is correct....! And here I am :D

  6. #6
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    as I have the value "0" in some the filed these formulas didnt work. So I thought adding the value of "1" with the publication in each year (of each country) would be harmless!
    I don't know that I would agree with this. It seems a gross misrepresentation of the data to substitute 1 where there are 0's. It seems to me that those 0's mean "no publications", and substituting "one publication" for those years is not correct. It also seems to me that we don't really have a good idea how to regress or represent the data, which makes it difficult, IMO, to even talk about how to put an unkown computation into a spreadsheet.

    One question -- you use the term "growth rate" which tends to imply an exponential (y=A*exp(Bx)) type function. Are you certain that an exponential function is the most appropriate function to use here? Would other functions be more appropriate? Excel's regression functions (LINEST(), LOGEST(), GROWTH(), TREND(), etc.) can handle a wide variety of function types. The hardest part, sometimes, is deciding what function seems most correct for a given problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  7. #7
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    Functions of (LINEST and TREND) work very well even with the value "0" in between. However (LOGEST and GROWTH) still dos not function with "0". Please have a look at the this excel sheet. EXCEL forum.xlsx

    Thanks for your reply and I fully agree with you on choosing an appropriate function. This is my concern as well. As mentioned in earlier posts, I'm simply interested to see among 20 countries I have, which one's where more successful in publication during the past years.

  8. #8
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    Re: Calculating Growth rate

    I'm simply interested to see among 20 countries I have, which one's where more successful in publication during the past years.
    In many ways, it seems like your question really isn't about Excel (yet), but more about how to measure "success" in publication. If I am wrong and you do know what metric you want to use to measure "success", then explain that metric to us and we should be able to help you program that metric into Excel.

    If this is more about determining what metric to use, I might suggest that we start with some of the simplest metrics:

    1) Total publications. In Excel, this would be a simple =SUM() function. Of course, the question of "most successful" is "which country has the most publications?" -- A simple =MAX() function in Excel.

    2) "Total publications" may be confounded by other variables. Populous countries or wealthier countries may have a natural edge using this metric. Perhaps a better metric would be "Publications per Euro spent" or "Publications per researcher" or something similar.

    3) Since you introduced the idea of using "regression" techniques to this, this perhaps suggests that "more successful" is more about how each country has changed over the last 20 years, rather than total measures like the previous 2 metrics. The challenge here is that you need to choose your base metric, and then choose how to measure "change".

    Just a few thoughts. Once you choose a suitable metric to measure "success", then I think we will be better able to suggest algorithms and spreadsheet programming to implement those algorithms.

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