Hi, pretty new to formulas in excel but have a problem to solve....
I need to turn one text string into 5 substrings with a maximum of 50 characters each (250 charaters in all). However, words need to remain intact and cannot be broken in the middle. Each substring will continue in the next column.
I found this formula =MID($A1,1+(COLUMNS($A:A)-1)*49,49)&IF(COLUMNS($A:A)<=INT(LEN($A1)/49),",","") on this post
It works except that it places commas in the middle of words. In my google search I came across many macro codes to complete tasks like this but when I copied the code and tried to run it nothing happened. Is it possible to run a macro on a just a cell selection or does it run on the entire sheet? If they can only run on an entire sheet then macros will not work.
I do not need commas to break up the string but if they are needed in order to do so that is not a problem.
If you can help it is INCREDIBLY APPRECIATED!
Thank you,