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Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

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    Question Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

    Hey ya'll,
    I'm looking for a single-cell formula for a simple / efficient way to take data from one array, put it in between two other sets of data and do a search in a second array for that completed string.
    Basically, I'm trying to take numbers from a list (one at a time), place them between a pre-designated Month-number and year to create a date. Then make a search in a second array for that date. The search needs to be performed for every date created from the first array.
    All I can come up with is an IF / CONCATENATE conglomeration that would take days to enter all the dates I need to search for. Also, that IF / CONCATENATE conglomeration keeps coming up a(n) #VALUE! error . Apparently, SEARCH does not like dates, or something. That code is as follows (it only has two dates for the example, but there's many more):
    There is some instruction on the included example sheet, if anything is unclear. I have a desired result (K7) for the complete formula. Array 1 takes A1:A7, array 2 takes D1:D12.
    What the formula is to do is in G1 (long drawn-out process), with the result below it in K7.

    Any help or a Point-in-the-right-direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Please & Thank ya'll!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Oh! I get it. I need rep--->҉

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