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Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

  1. #1
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    Question Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

    Hey ya'll,
    I'm looking for a single-cell formula for a simple / efficient way to take data from one array, put it in between two other sets of data and do a search in a second array for that completed string.
    Basically, I'm trying to take numbers from a list (one at a time), place them between a pre-designated Month-number and year to create a date. Then make a search in a second array for that date. The search needs to be performed for every date created from the first array.
    All I can come up with is an IF / CONCATENATE conglomeration that would take days to enter all the dates I need to search for. Also, that IF / CONCATENATE conglomeration keeps coming up a(n) #VALUE! error . Apparently, SEARCH does not like dates, or something. That code is as follows (it only has two dates for the example, but there's many more):
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    There is some instruction on the included example sheet, if anything is unclear. I have a desired result (K7) for the complete formula. Array 1 takes A1:A7, array 2 takes D1:D12.
    What the formula is to do is in G1 (long drawn-out process), with the result below it in K7.

    Any help or a Point-in-the-right-direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Please & Thank ya'll!
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    Oh! I get it. I need rep--->҉

  2. #2
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    Re: Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

    withdrawn.. didn't understand req's
    Last edited by protonLeah; 06-12-2015 at 02:41 PM.
    Ben Van Johnson

  3. #3
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    Arrow Re: Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

    Is this a drag-down formula or did I not explain it well enough? I need a single-cell formula (something that only takes up the one cell it's placed in).
    I think this would work, if it can be adapted to check for A1, then check for A2, then A3, etc. Maybe I'm not understanding the result?
    I'm sorry for any confusion and thank you for giving a stab at it, I figured this would be a complicated formula.

    Edit: I noticed that if you "Evaluate Formula", the date inside the match evaluates as some 5-digit number instead of the date [422##]. Is that supposed to happen? Because as you progress evaluating the rest of the formula, that number gives off a #N/A error and messes everything up. Perhaps I'm adapting it wrong, but I'm literally just redefining the array locations, I haven't changed anything up.
    Last edited by Old4xford; 06-12-2015 at 09:08 AM. Reason: New Discovery

  4. #4
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    Lightbulb Re: Take data from array, insert into string, search for string in another array

    My apologies. I thought I was explaining it poorly.

    Although the presented problem wasn't solved, the problem here became a non-issue when an alternate route was taken to achieve a similar (but not exact) result. (i.e. I did it another way and got "close enough").

    So if the problem wasn't solved, and it's no longer being looked into, should I still mark this thread as "Solved"? Or should there be an "Unsolved Mysteries" option under thread tools?
    Last edited by Old4xford; 06-15-2015 at 12:48 PM. Reason: Additional Information

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