So we are running a SumIf on a unique code, however, we are noticing that if there are two similar unique codes it is falsely attributing a value to it. Our unique code is a combo of 2 phone numbers (repasted as text that we are pulling from) and we are noticing is that if the same person calls in twice, but they go to two different destination numbers (so second set of 10 characters is different, but the difference is like xxx-xxx-x208 vs xxx-xxx-x209) it seems to pull in false data. So we are looking at a 20 character string that has 1 character difference and it seems to be tricking Excel.
We've "absolute'd" the entire formula, but that didn't fix the issue. I was under the impression that SumIf looked for an exact match, much like "False" with a Vlookup.
Has anyone seen a similar issue and could provide us some alternative ideas? If there is any uncertainty to what I describing, I can put together a sample workbook.