Is there any handy formulas out there to remove any carriage returns/escapes within a cell. Im sure there are many, which ones do you guys use? Thanks!
Is there any handy formulas out there to remove any carriage returns/escapes within a cell. Im sure there are many, which ones do you guys use? Thanks!
Do you mean the paragraph break caused by ALT-ENTER? If so, use this to replace with nothing
=SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(10),"") or this to replace it with a space: =SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(10)," ")
If this is not what you wanted, please post an Excel sheet showing wat you need. Make sure there is enough data to demonstrate your need. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary. Remember to remove ALL confidential information first!!!
Click on GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon to open the upload window.
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Worked perfectly! Thanks man!
Yo're welcome!
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