Having problems a formula when cells have "0" value
I need the formula to still calculate if C6 is 0 and if E6 is 0
also if possible I would like to suppress the #div/0 error
Having problems a formula when cells have "0" value
I need the formula to still calculate if C6 is 0 and if E6 is 0
also if possible I would like to suppress the #div/0 error
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Yes the issue is C6 since if C6 is 0 then "" or null/blank
based on nflsales you can change the "" to 0=if(c6=0,"",c6+iferror($c$3/e6,0))
When will it return blank?
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I would start with the E6=0 issue. Try this: =IF(E6=0,"",IF(C6=0,"",C6+$C$3/E6))
Good luck,
Jim Robison
If we still calculate if C6=0
Check what is in C3 - is it non-numeric? I have just checked the conditions above and it worked OK. If E6=0 and C6 has a value, it returns a blank.
Post a sample sheet.
For me if C6 is 0 it works, but if E6 is 0 I get #Value! error
Also note that E6 value comes from another eqaution =IF(D6=0,"",60/D6)
I atttached the excel file.
Quote Sheet-test.xlsx
Change formula in E6 and copy down:
Your conditions are:
in E6: if(D6=0,0,60/D6)
in F6: IF (E6=0,0,C6+$c$3/60)
C6 and D6 are data only: C6 is only used in the formula in F6. If C6 is 0 but D6<> 0 then F6 will contain result.
If D6=0 then E6=0 then F6=0
So are the IF statements correct?
C6 is direct data only and is only added to the result of E6
D6 is direct data and used in the E6 Formula
E6 is the result of the data in D6 and is always the result 60/D6
so C6 can be 0 sometimes and D6 can be 0 which will drive E6 to be 0
I can not get the forulama to give a result when one of either C6 or E6 is at 0
Very confusing...
If E6 has no bearing on F6 why are we testing if it is 0 in F6 formula???
D6 is the problem: if 0 , all results 0. So is allowing D6=0 an error?
Value in C6 has no impact on F6 i.e. will not result in an error.
C6 is direct data only and is only added to the result of F6
Cell F6 formula: =IF(C6=0,$C$3/E6,IF(E6=0,"",C6+IFERROR($C$3/E6,0)))
This gives me the best result, but still have the #VALUE! error when both C6 & E6 are both Blank
I would love to remove the error if possible?
Current working formulas:
Cell F6: =IF(C6=0,$C$3/E6,IF(E6=0,"",C6+IFERROR($C$3/E6,0)))
Cell E6: =IF(D6=0,"",60/D6)
C6: direct data only
D6: direct data only
Hi, May be this
☚ Click ★ just below left if it helps, Boo?ath?![]()
Look at sheet TEST in attached - hopefully what you require.
Just glad we found a solution !!!!
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