First I will explain what I did and after this I will explain my problem (it is a big problem and I cannot solve thisone with a big hammer)
I have 8 tabs with numereous calculations and formulas. 1 tab, excisting out of approx 20 pages. For each page I used 1 row behind it to summarize my calculations. let's say from Row 1 M till Z. row 15 M till Z etc. Each row that summarizes the calculation I marked yellow.
Now I can select collumn M till Z, search on yellow and select only these rows(with text, formulas and loose numbers), without the calculations beside it. Easy, and I can summarize the 8 tabs on a empty tab.
If I paste I will use the Paste Special option and then "Paste link". Now the empty rows (2 till 14) are gone and there is a nice list. Perfect, but........
Now I want something special. Is there a way to paste the link, but make it interactive. So if I change cells in the summary list, the cells in the original sheet will change with it (and visa versa)?
I really hope that there is a solution, because this will save me up to 1/2 a days work per week :P
Any other suggestions would be perfect to! As long as I can collect the selected cells easy and collect paste them easy in an empty sheet.