I have a problem with index/match function, the answer probably may be very simple but I am unable to sort it out for hours. Ok, the problem is : I have a workbook with four sheets viz.,
Sheet 1: McCapacity (meaning Machine Capacity) containing calender months in col B (B9:B20),Capacity for the Month in Col Q (Q9:Q20)
Sheet 2: Prodn (meaning Production) contains datewise productwise production
Sheet 3: McShirfts (meaning Capacity used in Production) contains datewise capacity utilised in production - Dates starting from 1-Apr-2015 to 31-Mar-2016 (B9:B374), Col C to AP contains actual capacity used in various products manufactured and Col AQ contains the sum of total capacity actually used in production.
Sheet 4: Stoppages (meaning Capacity Unutilsed) contains datewise unutilised capacity - Dates starting from 1-Apr-2015 to 31-Mar-2016 (B9:B374), Col C to R contains capacity unused due to various causes and Col S contains the sum of total unused capacity.
Here I want to check the correctness of the data entered in Sheet 3 and 4 in col V through a formula. The logic is that the sum of the capacoty utilised (Sheet 3 Col AQ) plus the sum of unutilised capacity (Sheet 4 Col S) must be equal to the Capacity for the correponding Month (Sheet 1 Col Q) of the respective date in Sheet 4.
Could you please help?