Hi Folks. This one is a bit beyond my skill level. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I require a single formula to do the following:
If value in worksheet 'NI&O Clarity Construction Dump'!$J:$J is equal to the value in cell $A2 of the current worksheet
And that corresponding text value in column J contains the text "ISP" and "Only", then populate value of "ISP Only"
If that corresponding text value in column J contains the text "OSP" and "Only", then populate "OSP Only" in formula cell
If that corresponding text value in column J contains the text "ISP" and "OSP", then populate "ISP & OSP" in formula cell
and if the corresponding text value in column J is blank, then populate whatever value is in column I:I
The text string does not always contain ISP Only in that order, or OSP Only in that order etc., so an AND statement would have to be added to find that the two text strings appear anywhere in the cell being referenced.
Am I up a creek? O__O
Thanks for looking. Aimee