Hi! I'm trying to use VLOOKUP to search for multiple criteria in a cell in any order. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

C-E-R apples
E-C-R oranges
C-E guavas
E-A-C pineapples
C-R-A-E strawberries
S-A-E toothpicks

I want to be able to search "C" and "E", OR to search "E" and "C", and to produce the names of all the fruits no matter the order I put the letters in. I have a VLOOKUP CHOOSE formula that'll, if I look up "C" and "E", I'll get "apples", "guavas", and "strawberries", but not "pineapples" or "oranges". It's something like VLOOKUP(A2&A3,CHOOSE({1,2},B2:B10),1,FALSE) How can I modify what I have so that it produces the names of all the fruits?