I have a filter formula with works great, it check the value of a cell and then populates a table based on the info in a data sheet (Sheet "Report Data")
One issue I'm having is when the selection is "Year". I want it to look in the data sheet column H and return the row if the year is that selected in B12. It is import to note that the date isnt a year in the data sheet but a full date (dd/mm/yyyy) to address this is have tried the following
It hasn't worked.
Below I will breakdown the cells and references
Sheet "Report Data" is where the filter is getting the data from
Sheet "Map" is where selections will be made
Map B12 is where you select the year - Providing the year is what you are looking for (should out to AliGW for helping me with that)
Map A14 has a working Filter formula but doesn't include the year option I'm looking for
Map A15 has the formula I have tried.
Report data Column H is where the date is, as I said this is a full date but I want it to look for the year in that date.
I have attached the WB.
Thanks for your time. My appreciation on things like this is huge.