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create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holidays

  1. #1
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holidays

    i'm trying to make a list of dates and times based on a table of days of the week and shift start time /stop time also holidays

    if day is blank then no work on that day
    all times can vary

    This is a bit clunky and works OK for what i need to do
    it would be useful if i could change any time and the list expand to include those time

    Column I is the table of dates and times - each minute
    row 2 = now()
    row 3 = sets now to a minute with no seconds
    row 4 (I4) is where the formula starts
    looking at the previous day and time compares with the shift table to see if its a saturday or sunday and IF there are any start stop times it inlcludes those shifts
    if not it goes to Monday and looks at the start time and uses that
    otherwise it just works Monday to Friday 24 hours

    just would be useful to put any of the shift times in and have the list generate

    also if its a bankholiday / holidays- look at the next shift and see if that is valid and use that - otherwise move on to the next day and check that
    I have a list of holidays

    I only need the table of minutes to run for a month - so 50,000 rows - this example just has 2000 rows to show a day and the change over , to keep the file small for the forum
    Just drag down to extend

    any suggestions
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Hi Wayne,
    gave it a try to incorporate looking at holidays.
    Can these UK bank holidays be calculated?

    Also took the liberty to simplify your formulas somewhat.
    They're pretty nested. Not sure of the performance impact with 50K rows.

    Not sure what you envision by (seems to me that the table is just doing that)
    just would be useful to put any of the shift times in and have the list generate
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    Last edited by Tsjallie; 05-02-2015 at 03:47 PM.

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Thanks for that and thanks for simplifying the formula
    However, its not working correctly -if you set say a friday date/time then it should restart on Monday at the time in F3 as no time set in sat/sun
    i should have a list starting at now()+6 - friday 21:00 - and they go on each minute untill midnight
    Then the next shift on the table is Monday at 06:00 - so should start then

    if there was a time in Sat say 11:00 then it should stop at friday G7 time and restart at Sat F8 time

    I'm helping a friend out.....
    the idea is to have a list of cumulative minutes which is in K
    then a number of production times are added together and for each production cycle time and volume an estimated date and time are looked up - based on the cumulative time
    but there can be lots of different shift times, different parts and cycle time and different volumes - Also a priority order
    i have that all worked out and can look up varies minutes to get the date/time
    i thought that was the best way to get the estimate date/time

    Monday starts at 6:00 - but may start at anytime
    Sat and Sunday maybe worked
    Friday finishes at midnight
    and if Sat and sun has no times set then the next startdate and time should be Monday at the shift starttime
    if monday is a holiday , then starts on tuesday at 6am - which will not be in the shift

    then once a full set of dates/times for a month are listed are listed
    taking into account the shift table and any holidays

    I was hoping to generate the list of minutes based on all the start and stoptimes in the shift table
    and automatically exclude holidays, bankholidays and closed days - any dates entered into the table
    Last edited by etaf; 05-02-2015 at 04:06 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Ok. Will need to chew on that for a while

  5. #5
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Thanks - yea i chewed for quite a while and what he was after so of changed each time i spoke to him - hence the nested IF -i like your approach - so will have to look into how you did that

    Getting the list of minutes based on the shift table would be more useful than the holidays if possible

    Thanks for looking into this - really appreciated

  6. #6
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    I have managed to work out a way to create a list of dates
    Based on a shift week - start and stop times and to exclude holidays from a table
    The list needs to show every minute available for the shifts

    the formula is very clunky

    I set-up the starting date/time in F4
    C4 to C103 - are the holiday dates table
    I4 to I10 - are the days of the weeks - number Sunday =1, Mon 2 etc
    J4 to J10 - are the shift start times
    K4 to K10 - are the Shift end times
    If a shift starts at 00:00 and ends at 00:00 - then that day is ignored

    The minutes G:G have a formula - so that there is no error - as with this formula a date for every day is entered dd/mm/yyyy 00:00 - and so i dont want to count that minute

    F3 = now() to start the date / time as now
    F4 = rounds that time up to the minute - so no seconds included

    Formula start in F5
    BUT in order to keep the files size down i have reduce the number of rows F5 extends down to -
    to see the way the formula works - you would need to extend the formulas - in F103 and G103 - down
    Only need about 6 weeks in the list - but thats about 60,000 rows






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  7. #7
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Almost there too, but ran into a circular reference which I can't find. Probably because it's right in my face
    Will post my results tonight. Think I got it figured out pretty close to what you need.
    Cut the whole thing up in comprehensible chuncks and use helper columns.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    OK - thanks for taking the time to look at that - will the code be much quicker to run, ONLY - i have been asked to create upto 15 of this lists with different shift tables today !!!!!

  9. #9
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Hi Wayne,
    here's what I've managed to construct. Hope I'm getting close.
    Didn't compare it to your results yet, but should be about the same.

    Holidays are all calculated now.
    Rest is denoted on the sheet.
    There's one formula going through the whole range of dates, but it's only executed when an other week starts. So execution of that part is reduced to abt. 4 or 5 times iso for each rows. Guess this will save performance. With the 2150 rows of the example it performs ok.

    I split the whole thing up in little pieces and put these in separate columns.
    I use this approach a lot with complex formulas or frequently changing/expanding requirements.
    Helps to focus on the relevant (changing) part.

    i have been asked to create upto 15 of this lists with different shift tables today !!!!!
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    Last edited by Tsjallie; 05-05-2015 at 04:26 PM.

  10. #10
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Thanks for going to all that trouble
    Where do I change the date and time to test

    looking at the code , i changed the date in I2

    to now() = 6/5/15 time 17:55
    and the time list started at 06:00

    is that what you have setup ?

  11. #11
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Yep, I changed I2 to test.
    Change it back to now() and it runs like the original.
    When now()=6-5-2015 17:55 , I3 should be 6-5-2015 17:16. Oops
    If you change the formula in V3 into
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    it will run ok.
    This makes the formula check if the EndTime is reached.

    While going through the sheet I discovered another flaw with calculating the index for looking up the StartTime.
    That doesn't give the correct index when the initial date (I2) is somewhere half way a week.
    Solution would be to calculate the first workday in a given week independently of the initial date.
    Need to chew on that again.
    Last edited by Tsjallie; 05-06-2015 at 04:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Here's a new version.
    Adjusted the formula for determining the (adjusted) index to use for looking up the StartTime.
    Adjusted index is now also used for checking the EndTime.
    Detailed explaination is on the sheet.
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  13. #13
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Thanks very much for that
    for some reason

    Sat does not appear to return the correct result - its 1 hour out ?

  14. #14
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    In the week shown 4/5 was a bank holiday.
    So Tuesday was the first working day but should take the starttime of Monday, Wednesday takes the starttime of Tuesday etc
    So Saturday is using the starttime of Friday.
    Took that feature from you post #3
    if monday is a holiday , then starts on tuesday at 6am - which will not be in the shift

  15. #15
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    thanks - yes if a holiday then the shift starts at 6am correct
    But on I4
    its showing Sat 02:01
    but the start time and end time of the shift is set to
    01:00 / 01:05

    so it should start at 01:00 and not 02:00

    thanks for looking at this

  16. #16
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    My interpretation of the statement "if monday is a holiday , then starts on tuesday at 6am - which will not be in the shift" was that
    if Monday is a holiday then all start- and endtimes for that week need to shift one day forward like illustrated in the picture below.
    So this makes Saturday using the starttime of Friday (2:00) instead of it's own (1:00), because in this week Monday was a holiday.
    May be I misinterpreted the statement above. If so please let me know how it should be interpreted.

  17. #17
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Yes , sorry you have misinterpretated my message
    its just the one following day

    So if a monday
    Tuesday will start at 6am even if the shift time says 00:00 to 06:00 for tuesday (if the time on the shift is a later starttime , then it will start at that time and NOT 6am
    weds as shift, thur as shift

    if holiday is a wednesday - then will start at 6am even if the shift says 00:00 to 06:00

    On a Friday then the shift will start based on the starttimes shown in the shift pattern - so no need to adjust

    Of course if the holiday is 2 consecutive days

    then stop at shift time on Monday and restart at 6am on Thursday

    hope that makes a little more sense

    thanks for continuing to look at this

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Ok, so I've been jumping to conclusions.
    Think I'm gonna introduce a substitution table. Gives some extra flexability too.

  19. #19
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    Ok, Thanks

  20. #20
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    I have managed to get it to work ok with this nested IF

    Range N4:N103 is the holiday list
    B, C, D
    are the shift times
    Day, Start, End

    The formula starts in Row T5, so the reference to T4 is the previous cell row
    seems to work OK , and a much simpler nest of IFs







  21. #21
    Forum Expert Tsjallie's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    I've been breaking my head on getting the right endtime to check if it's being exceeded.
    Think/hope I got it right now
    Used dummy start- and endtimes for testing/checking. Change'm to your needs.
    The calculation proces is explained on the sheet referring to the columns where things happen.

    Can you upload you're solution. Curious about how you've got it done.
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  22. #22
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: create a table of dates/times based on weekly shift start and finish times and holiday

    i have cutdown as much as possible to load onto the forum

    here is the verison

    its uses Column G to add a shift adjustment , so that it add the number of minutes to a starttime (360 for 6hrs) if a shift starts before 6am and also does not add the time if consecutive days - ie if a Tues/Wed/Thu OFF
    then the shift starts on friday at 6am - based on the offset calculations and reference in column O

    Column Q is the hours to add
    as you see a Friday is set to 0 - since monday is a startime of 6am
    If that was changed to a shift start of 00:00
    then Q would need to add the 6hrs if friday is a holiday

    hope that makes some sense

    i cutdown the times to be able to load here
    hence the ref errors
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    Last edited by etaf; 05-11-2015 at 04:14 PM.

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