On worksheet 1 (WS1) of a spreadsheet I want to calculate the need for one of several items, ItemA, ItemB, ItemC etc. If ItemA is required, it searches WS2 to see if it's in stock, (Item quantity is maintained on WS2 of the spreadsheet). As I use ItemA in cells A1, A2 and A3 on WS1, it reduces their quantity on WS2, conversely, if ItemA is freed up on WS1 because ItemB has now been calculated as required, it adds ItemA to the quantity in WS2 and reduces the quantity of ItemB. If I deplete the total quantity of ItemA on WS2, some sort of indicator on WS1 changes ItemA to red, prints ItemA Out Of Stock, Buy or some other such means. I'm thinking WS2 should have a Total, Used and Available column for the items, that changes dynamically as need is calculated on WS1.
Right now I'm using vlookup to find ItemA on WS2, once it's need is calculated, but it falls short of providing the info I'd like to have, as mentioned above.
I hope that's not to complicated a question, it is for me, but that's not saying very much?
Thanks much for any help one might be able to provide.