Could someone please help with formulas on a spreadsheet to apportion wages if someone starts mid-month, also including existing staff's breakdowns (all up about 15 people).
There is more............. the wage also needs to be broken down to fortnightly figures, then multiplied by the number of pay-runs in each month (dates are stipulated) to calculate the applicable monthly wage, and this calculated monthly wage then needs to be apportioned to 4 different cost centers (on a percentage base).
Say someone starts 15/09/2015 and earns 50K per annum, the spreadsheet must:
- calculate the wage per fortnight
- then calculate the monthly wage based on the number of pay-runs in that month (September will be 1 pay-run as they started mid-month, October 2, November 2, December 3, etc.)
- then split that monthly wage to cost centres, i.e. 20% to Consulting, 55% to Management, 5% to sales, 20% to admin
This info will be fed into our budget spreadsheet to ascertain profit on Consulting, on Management, Sales (billable time) and loss in terms of admin time which is non-billable
I would also have to somehow work in if existing staff get performance increases during the year..........if at all possible.
I tried working with if formulas i.e. if dates are > than another date, but doesn't seem to work. Perhaps i should do everything working with days?