From the attached Workbook:
I need to lookup 2 criteria from the ‘Tracking’ sheet (a name from column B, and a location from Row 2) and search within multiple ‘Month’ sheets (I have only shown 2 but in reality there are 12) to find the name and corresponding location vertically. I then need the ‘Tracking’ sheet cell to return a ‘1’ if the found match has a ‘Result’ column value of either “Early”, “Ontime”, or “Late”, and to be left blank for all other permutations.
I have tried with VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH etc but cannot bet anywhere near.
I guess my complication is search criteria listed both vertically and horizontally and finding a match in sheets in different range of cell ranges.
I have manually populated the ‘Tracking’ sheet with the expected values that should be returned if a formula works.
I would prefer a solution using standard Excel functions because others will need to understand this in the future, but VB Code will be acceptable is that is the way forward.
Thanks a bunch for any help.