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Creating & auto-populating rows in a master sheet from other sheets?

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bludevil008 Creating & auto-populating... 04-14-2015, 04:45 PM
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    Question Creating & auto-populating rows in a master sheet from other sheets?


    I have a question that I'm finding hard to word well, so I will use an example. I have 8 sheets in Excel: one for each day of the week, and the last one is a master. I'm recording weather for four different cities. Under each of the 7 "day" sheets, I have columns headed "date", "temp", and "precipitation" for each city. I have the same columns in the master sheet, along with a preceding column headed "day". Let's say on the Monday sheet under Brooklyn I enter data "1/1/15" for date, "50F" for temp and "No" for precipitation. What I would like to happen is have that data automatically populate underneath the same columns but in the master sheet. If I put "1/2/15", "45F", and "Yes" under Brooklyn on the Tuesday sheet, I want that to then auto-populate underneath Monday's data on the Master sheet. For the "day" column in the master sheet, I would like that to auto-populate with the name of the sheet (i.e. Monday, Tuesday for the examples I used), but if that's asking too much, I can handle putting that in manually.

    What makes this a little more complicated is that I have multiple headers in one column. Please see my attachment; I have a few more columns on that excel sheets than what I said above, but they're kind of irrelevant. My attachment shows what I would like to happen; once I fill out a row of info on the Monday page, it auto-populates to the master page. Note how there is no info for Portland on the Tuesday sheet, so there is nothing on the Master sheet; not until I put that info into the Tuesday sheet would it then show up on the master. Theoretically...

    I hope this makes sense and that the attachment helps! Thanks in advance!

    (Sidenote - remember that this is just an example; I would never take this kind of data in such a complicated way! This is the format I need to use to track information for work.)
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