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Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

  1. #1
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    Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    I use Vlook up all the times , never have any problem, when I tried to use today to link 2 files to bring the cost, some how its not working

    Vlook up formula is below .

    is it this [@itemNumber] has anything to do with this ?

    when I add the item number from my file , that's the way its picking it up, because this file was export from Blue star software ,

    if that's what's causing the issue


    can any one help, I have tried every thing , I can think of,

    I have used this function so many times , never have any issue

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Forum Guru :) Sixthsense :)'s Avatar
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    In Table @ refers to Current Row and ItemNumber refers the Column/Field of the Table.

    The only thing is that (Current Row Item #) it may not exist in the Column A of Sheet3.

    Check it up

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  3. #3
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    How is [@ItemNumber] getting into the formula?

    Are you putting it there manually or is Excel putting it there when you select the cell with the lookup value?
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  4. #4
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    thanks for quick reply, its excel putting it there when I select the cell with vlook up value, and some of the item does have cost , where the data pulling it, when I enter this Vlook up formula
    it stay as formula ,it does not convert it into formula, than I copy and paste into another sheet to test it if works it, it takes as formula it does not show now [@itemNumber] now show A3 but value does not show stiil

    donot know why its doing it, ?

    any advise will be helpful,

    I am going frustrated

  5. #5
    Forum Guru :) Sixthsense :)'s Avatar
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    It will automatically use table reference when the selection made on table cell. You can override it by entering the cell reference manually.

    Just replace the table reference with actual cell reference by manual typing

  6. #6
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    still not working

    see attached the file, there are 2 tabs
    Sheet 4 Column C has VLook up formula
    to pulling the cost from sheet 5 column D

    I think I have the correct formula, and some item does not have cost, but some do, vlook up at least pull the cost the item has cost

    don't know why its not doing it

    can you please help, that what's wrong with my formula

    thanks again
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
    Forum Guru :) Sixthsense :)'s Avatar
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    Your Sheet5 Column-A Item Numbers are Text Numbers. You can see a Green Error Indication which indicates the Numbers are stored as text.

    But in Sheet4 Column-A Item Numbers are Real Numbers.

    So comparing the Real Number with Text Number will not match the texts and will result #N/A.

    I am Using Trim() in Vlookup() which will convert the Real Number to Text Number.

    In C3 Cell of Sheet4


    Drag it down....

  8. #8
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    Either you can try the formula mentioned above or you can convert the text into number in Sheet 5-Column A. By doing that, the formula which you had used, will get you result as you looking for.

    Let me know if it works for you.

  9. #9
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    Re: Vlook Up function not working Properly, donot know, need help

    thanks Sixthsense

    it worked great, I learn some thing new,

    thank you very much


    how did you say I fix this arrow this also

    use -before the column that will fix the arrow

    its nice to know these tricks

    thanks again

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