I attempted to find a solution in a previous post but came up short. I am attempting again via the Formulas & Functions Forum. I am trying to sum an set of expenses that occurred within a specific date range. The challenge is to create a formula that includes multiple criterial. For example, I want to sum the following:
Total of all costs associated with marketing expenses for company A in the first quarter of 2014, from 1/1/14 to 3/31/14
Total of all costs associated with transportation expenses for company A in the first quarter of 2014, from 1/1/14 to 3/31/14
Total of all costs associated with Office expenses for company B in the first quarter of 2014, from 1/1/14 to 3/31/14
I was given a formula that is close to what I want, but does not include an end date to complete a range. Instead it is just a greater than value. The formula that is close that I used in cell i2 is:
=SUMIFS($D$15:$D$49950, $H$15:$H$49950, $G2, $B$15:$B$49950, $I$1,A15:A49950,">=" & DATE(2014,9,1))
See attached excel with the yellow highlighted field.
Any help in getting me across the goal line would be appreciated.Expense Templete V2.xlsx