
I wrote a SUMIFS at home (It took me ages to figure it out) and when I got to work it wouldnt work.

I have realised that it won't work as I am using excel 2003 at work.

I think I need to replace it with a SUMPRODUCT, but have no idea if this is possible or where to start.

Can someone tell me if this is possible and give me some direction please?

I have got a spreadsheet with each areas predictions of the number of shifts they are going to want per funding stream each week, and want to fill in a table next that what they have actually ordered.

These are the details:

I want to populate the ‘Machine Plotter’ tab from the ‘RRVs’ tab.

I want to count the total number of shifts (Z), for each week (A) for each section (G) by the type of funding. (N)

And (if possible) I only want to count them if the status (AA) is confirmed, ordered or pending.

Any help would be much appreciated!Machine TEST 2015-16.xlsxMachine TEST 2015-16.xlsx