My solution used the TIME function, which will not give correct results when the hours is greater than 24. So I had to rework the formulas and the formats. See attached. Note that the times are now using a custom format of [h]:mm to be able to show more than 24 hours.
Second, the formula that you are trying to change is an array formula. It does not use sums, it uses arrays. It's kind of a big topic to try to explain in one post but the idea is that the formula does the calculation separately for each cell in the range A2:A6. It is not adding them. So your formula should look like
and when you edit it, you must hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, not just ENTER. You know you have done it correctly if you see the braces in the formula box after you're finished:
But you can't just type in the braces, you have to use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.