
Can someone help me please? The sample data is attached. A need to insert a '1' in "Mobile Reviews?" and "Confirmed User?" columns if a value in 'Mobile Reviews" equals 'True' and a value in "Confirmed User?" equals 'Yes'..

I inserted IF formula in column'A' and column'B' (below) but the problem is that database has free entry text fields which change its order in the spreadsheet every time when the report in C1:H36 is pulled. For example, "Mobile Reviews" column which is column 'F' in the attached file can be in column 'H' or any other column. So I need to insert IF formula in the column 'A' and column'B' (below) but need to search in the table C1:H36 for a correct location of these two columns. In addition, the total number of columns changes every time I pull a report, it can be 10 or 20. I think I should use match and index formula but was not able to figure it out. Sample Data.xlsx
column'A': =IF(F2="","",IF(F2="True",1))
column'B': =IF(H2="","",IF(H2="Yes",1))

Can you please provide me with a formula which finds a column location and inserts IF formula?

Thanks so much!