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Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

  1. #1
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    Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    Hi All,

    I am trying to put together a largish IF Function with multiple IF functions and some nested IF functions.

    I have tried to build each one separately but need them all in one cell. So far i have got these:
    • IF(AND(I9>=3,DATEDIF(T4,U9,"d")>=3),"On Track - Blackbook","BlackBook Overdue")
    • IF(AND(T4>=M9,T4<=N9),"Clock Stopped",IF(AND(I9>=0,DATEDIF(T9,V9,"d")>=0),"On Track - Blackbook","BlackBook Overdue"))
    • IF(AND(T4>=R9,T4<=S9),"Public Comment Period",IF(AND(I9>=0,DATEDIF(T9,V9,"d")>=0),"On Track - Blackbook","BlackBook Overdue"))
    • IF(AND(T4>=T9,T4<=V9),"In Blackbook Process",IF(AND(I9>=0,DATEDIF(T9,V9,"d")>=0),"On Track - Blackbook","BlackBook Overdue"))
    • IF(AND(T4>=V9,T4<=W9),"Blackbook Complete in Appeal Period",IF(W9=”N/A”),"Complete","Blackbook Complete in Appeal Period"))
    • IF(AND(T4>=W9,T4<=Y9),"On Track – Appeals Report",IF(T4>=Y9),"Appeals Report Overdue"))

    Im not sure of how to put it all together as one formula.

    Any help would be greately appreciated


  2. #2
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    If you post a sample workbook it will be much easier to help you.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    Hi Jacc,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Ive attached a sample document to this post.

    I would like the final formula to be in cell 'J9' - if its possible!?

    thanks Sample.xlsx


  4. #4
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    Jake in looking at your formulas above I thought I might take a stab at helping you, so I thought I would break down each of your if statements to which criteria you had in each formula for each result.
    Here's what I see and here is probably the key to helping you.

    For the result of On Track - Blackbook you had this criteria, I've broken it out into a list.
    On Track

    So you have this combination three times:

    So obviously we can cut that down to one.
    You might want to do this with all your other criteria and figure out how you want to structure the formula after you eliminate duplicates.
    I don't want to spend too much time studying your sheet looking at your cells and figuring out why you have all these criteria, but for my first example you have to decide whether all of that can go in one if and statement to get to the result of On Track... if it's true, if not you have to figure out which one to evaluate first the I9>=3 and the datedif statement that was matched with it or the other two statements that were paired together.

    I don't know how familiar you are with the or statement, but sometimes you can use and with or in certain combinations to get the results you want.

    The structure used a lot with continuous if formulas is this.

    If(statement to evaluate,"what to do if true",if(statement to evaluate, "what to do if true", etc.

    Every time you get a false you start another if statement.

    So if you want to break all your criteria for each outcome, eliminate the duplicates and then tell us which ones need to be evaluated first we can write your formula if you still need help.

    Good Luck!!!
    Last edited by skywriter; 03-16-2015 at 03:42 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    This is just a stab in the dark since I have no idea what this spreadsheet is all about.
    I assume you know that you can grab the lower edge of the formula bar and pull down to view multiline formulas.
    To create a linebreak in a formula use Alt + Enter.
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    Also, in cell P9 you have this:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    I reckon it could be replaced with this:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    Hi Jacc and Skywriter,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Im looking into both of what you have said/provided and i'll report back soon


  7. #7
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    Re: Creating multiple IF Functions with some nested IF functions in false value return

    Hi all,

    Skywriter thank you for your comments above, they’re very much appreciated, however what Jacc has provided is really quite close to what I was after. If you take a look at what Jacc has posted you might get a better understanding of what im trying to explain compared to me trying to explain it.

    To answer questions about what this spreadsheet is for, the best explanation is that it is a bit of a Date predictor of certain upcoming points in a long processes/a process map/a live workload tracker the process.
    Ive done some testing of what Jacc provided and it is making excel perform what I was intending in most cases.

    The only scenarios that don’t seem to be working are the following:
    “On Track – Blackbook” and/or “Blackbook Overdue”
    Relative part of Formula:
    IF(OR( AND(I9>=3,DATEDIF(T14,U9,"d")>=3), AND(I9>=0,DATEDIF(T9,V9,"d")>=0) ),"On Track - Blackbook","BlackBook Overdue"))))))))

    “Appeals Report Overdue”
    Relative part of Formula:
    IF(T14>=Y9,"Appeals Report Overdue",

    Another point that I didn’t think of and the formula is returning error “#VALUE!” is when column ‘R’ has “Enter Start Date” and column ‘S’ is blank. They will always end up with dates being manually inserted but until they do they will remain as “Enter Start Date” and a blank cell. With this though then I actually need a new return value of “Not Yet Advertised".
    So my guess would be to try and include something like:
    IF(AND(R9=”Enter Start Date”, S9=””),"Not Yet Advertised",

    Ive attached another sample that’s incorporated your work Jacc and have added in more rows of info so that each row’s status in column ‘J’ is returning a different part of the formula to get an easier picture of whats going on. Ive also add in little comment boxes for each cell down column 'J' with some notes about what i think is going on for each one.

    Any feedback would be much appreciated!

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