Hello you friendly lot,
I've had a read through a few of the posts on here and I can't seem to find the thing that I am am looking for.
Heres what I am trying to do
On sheet1 I want it to display data from sheet2
I need it to search for todays date in a list of dates from cell B2 to cell B252 and everything inbetween. If it finds it I need it to display everything from the corrisponding row. For example.
If it find todays date in B41 on sheet2 I need it to display the information In C41 D41 E41 F41 G41 and H41 on sheet2 to show in B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 and G3 on sheet1, I.E. C41 is in B3, D41 is in C3 and so on and so forth.
If you have any further questions about it please let me know I've tried to explain the best I can. If some can throw together that formula it would be massively appreciated.