Good morning everyone.
I am struggling with a problem that I am not able to solve.
I have an excel sheet in 2010 in which I should make some choices conditioned, nesting the functions "IF".
The problem is that Excel 2010 does not allow more than 64 nesting of "IF", while the possible choices are 127.
In practice, if I have a certain value in cell A2, must appear another certain value in cell B2. And so to the end (at the time the lines are over 132,000).
To give an example of formula (which of course is to be inserted into cell B2):
= IF (A1 = "Rome"; "Italy"; IF (A1 = "London", "England"; IF (A1 = "Beijing", "China"; "Not Defined")))
Going into detail of my spreadsheet, in a column there are some codes, each of which corresponds to the name of a specific location. At the time, filtering the data, I select the empty cells and I manually insert the name of the location in relation to the code present in the column. But I would like to automate the process.
As I said, the problem is that the choices are well 127, while Excel 2010 allows a maximum of 64 nesting "IF".
Wandering on the web, I read of the possibility to use the "CHOOSE", but I did not understand how to proceed.
Could you help me? If it is necessary I could post an example.
Thanks in advance.